Peaky Blinder Whiskey 750ML

R319.99/Unit | Sold in Units

This is an Irish whiskey that has enjoyed a finishing period in Sherry casks before being bottled as part of the Peaky Blinder range from Sadler’s. The name comes from a street gang that was around in the late 19th and early 20th Century, a member of which you can see on the label – note the all important cap, which apparently was where the gang name originates.

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This is an Irish whiskey that has enjoyed a finishing period in Sherry casks before being bottled as part of the Peaky Blinder range from Sadler’s. The name comes from a street gang that was around in the late 19th and early 20th Century, a member of which you can see on the label – note the all important cap, which apparently was where the gang name originates.